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Cochlear Implant Candidacy Questions:
When hearing aid/s are not providing adequate benefit, it may be appropriate to consider a Cochlear Implant. A cochlear implant candidacy assessment is warranted if a patient answers yes to two or more of the functional hearing questions:
Moderate (45dBHL) to Profound (110dBHL) sensorineural hearing loss
Ski slop hearing loss, normal or mild hearing (35dBHL) to profound sensorineural hearing loss
Poor word recognition scores (less than 65% in either ear)
Are daily social or professional interactions significantly impacted by their hearing loss
While wearing appropriately fitted hearing aids, the patient experiences significant difficulties hearing in quiet situations and/or in noise
Difficulty hearing on the telephone
Dissatisfaction with appropriately fitted hearing aids
Difficulties hearing with one or more people when in background noise
Difficulties hearing without lip reading cues
Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
Socially isolating due to the difficulties and effort involved with listening and communicating
Frustration over their hearing
Typical Cochlear Implant Journey
1. Candidacy Assessment
A candidacy assessment typically includes:
Comprehensive audiological case history
Diagnostic Audiological assessment
Evaluation and optimization of current hearing aids or set up of DEMO devices for testing purposes.
Aided speech assessment
Functional and Quality of Life questionnaires
Counselling regarding outcomes and expectations
Discussion of Manufactures
Discussion of funding – Private Hospital Cover
If your audiological assessment meets cochlear implant criteria, you will have an appointment with the ENT surgeon, Dr. Nadine de Alwis.
2. Pre-Operative ENT assessment
The ENT specialist appointment typically includes:
Medical and audiological case history
Physical ENT examination
Counselling about expectations and outcomes
Counselling about CI surgery
Referral of radiological investigations (MRI & CT scans)
Possible referral for vestibular function testing
There is often a review or telehealth appointment following the imaging and vestibular function testing to confirm medical candidacy for cochlear implantation.
3. Surgery
The cochlear implant electrode is inserted into the cochlea
An x-ray is taken to ensure the electrode array is positioned correctly
The cochlear implant is tested to ensure it is functioning correctly
A tight, pressure bandage is wrapped around the surgical site
Typically, there is an overnight stay in the Hospital and you go home the following day
4. Post-Operative Appointments
One week following surgery, there is a post-operative review
Two weeks following surgery, the cochlear implant is switched on
Cochlear implant mapping and counseling regarding device and expectations
Ongoing mapping and device management appointments
Ongoing Auditory rehabilitation
One year following surgery, at least one yearly appointment to evaluate residual hearing, mapping and cochlear implant outcomes